Thursday, July 13, 2006


Submission for Illustration Friday's topic "Skyline". I know what you're thinking. This has absolutely nothing to do with the words "sky" and/or "line. But it's not as random as you think. I went an elementary school called Skyline, and I remember one of the projects we did, which involved tracing a maple leaf, dividing it into sections, and decorating each section uniquely.

Okay, it is as random as you thought, but I spent three days on it so it works.

Done in OpenCanvas.


Nicole said...

I think it's very bold and beautiful.

Anonymous said...

it's gorgeous! this could very well look like a piece of "batik" in my country ;-)

* batik is a piece of colored wax printed fabric.

Dana S. Whitney said...

There's a Skyline High School in my town. Sometimes the MOST creative part of an IF post is, um, re-defining the topic!

Anonymous said...

That is beautiful - I think you nailed the topic perfectly. I just love the different flavors of sky that you've chosen to include! Skylines can be so versitle, it'd be hard to bind yourself to just one. ;)