Somewhere along the line on this one, I made the mistake of dropping the resolution to 150 by some stupid mistake instead of the usual 300 dpi. Rather than up the resolution again and clean the whole thing up, I just pushed through. This was another thing I approached with too high expectations, so I figured if I don't get it done in a couple of days, I'll NEVER get it done. I pretty much just had flats laid out from before, so I did most of this in two days. I think I'm getting the hang of Photoshop now.
So, here is the line of progress:
Original vs. First few hours in my renewed attempt vs. Final

the middle one is best. i think the shadows in the final are too dark, you alrady have black ink lines so the shadows don't have to be so dark... nles you're going for a brooding moody effect kinda thing:)
Great stuff! looks more Japanese than American cartoon style. Wish you the best in your artistic future! More please! There is also a great need for great Sikh cartoons and comic books for future Sikh kids. Good Luck and may Waheguru bless you!
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